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10+ Creative Networking Ideas to Improve Your Events

Lisa Broom

Head of Marketing

Read Time: 11 minutes

Posted on August 11, 2024

Everyone wants to build their network. And events seem to be the best place to do that. Unfortunately, we’ve all shown up to potential networking hotspots only to find things are falling flat and connections just aren’t being made.

Networking events are crucial for building professional relationships, sharing knowledge, and fostering collaboration. That’s why we need to prioritize innovative networking ideas at events, making them more engaging and effective.

In this post, we explore some creative ideas for a networking event — these are sure to get everyone connecting! (Oh, and there will be some networking activities examples, too.)

Key Takeaways

  • Discover diverse networking formats to engage attendees
  • Learn how to attract and retain participants
  • Utilize technology to enhance networking opportunities
  • Implement structured and informal networking activities

What Are Networking Events?

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” ― Ancient Business Proverb

The network of people we know is our single greatest asset in business or any other realm of life. And networking events are a great way to grow this asset.

Networking events are organized gatherings where individuals meet to build professional connections, share insights, and explore opportunities. These events play a significant role in personal and professional growth by facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration.

With the right ideas for networking events in place, you can help people feel much more open and confident. This facilitates more connection, and any new contact could be the spark of something very special.

It’s this special, powerful chemistry that’s led to so many new businesses, inventions, books, and more. When you are planning networking events, it’s important to keep in mind just how special and vital these are for professionals. And keeping up with fresh, fun ideas for networking events is a major step toward that.

How to Attract People to Networking Events?

Engaging attendees starts with creating a compelling reason to participate. And networking event ideas for professionals need to retain some features for everyone to get the most out of their time:

  • Promote Engaging Content: Highlight interesting topics and speakers. Remember, keeping people connected through engaging topics if a great way to spark new contacts.
  • Utilize Technology: Integrate tools like Fliplet’s discussion app to keep attendees connected before, during, and after the event. This software lets people create topics that others can discuss.
  • Encourage Interaction: Create opportunities for attendees to engage with each other and the content.

The most successful events keep attendees connected and encourage ongoing participation through meaningful interactions and discussions.

Below, we have even more strategies you can employ to bring people to your next networking event.

Seek Past Networking Feedback

Collecting and analyzing feedback from previous events is crucial for continuous improvement and understanding attendee preferences. Here’s how to effectively gather and utilize feedback:

  • Importance of Collecting Feedback: Gathering insights from past attendees helps identify what worked well and what needs improvement. It also provides valuable data on attendee expectations and preferences.
  • Methods for Gathering Feedback: Utilize surveys, polls, and feedback forms to collect attendee opinions. Fliplet’s feedback app can streamline this process by enabling you to build custom surveys that ask relevant questions about attendees’ past networking experiences and their future goals. This app can also provide real-time analytics to help you quickly interpret the data.

Apply Clear Evaluation Standards

Setting clear goals and evaluation standards is essential to measure the success of your networking events. This involves:

  • Setting Clear Goals and Standards for Success: Define what success looks like for your event. This could include metrics such as the number of new connections made, attendee satisfaction ratings, and the level of engagement during the event.
  • Metrics to Evaluate Effectiveness: Use specific metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your networking events. These might include attendance rates, engagement levels, and feedback scores. Fliplet’s event networking app can serve as a valuable tool in this context, offering features that help track and analyze these metrics. The app provides a comprehensive overview of attendee interactions and engagement, making it easier to assess the event’s impact.

Curate Attendee Selection

Selecting the right mix of attendees is crucial for creating a dynamic and engaging networking environment. Consider these strategies:

  • Strategies for Selecting the Right Mix of Attendees: Aim for a diverse group of attendees that includes different backgrounds, industries, and experience levels. This diversity can lead to more interesting and productive interactions.
  • Importance of Diversity and Relevance: Ensuring that attendees are relevant to the event’s theme and goals will enhance the quality of interactions. Diverse and relevant participants can contribute varied perspectives and experiences, enriching the networking experience.

Want even more great ideas? Check out this post on attendee engagement.

Adopt Structured Networking

Implementing structured networking activities can significantly enhance the quality of interactions at your event. Here are some advantages:

  • Implementing Structured Formats: Structured networking formats, such as speed networking or facilitated roundtable discussions, provide a framework that encourages meaningful connections. These formats help attendees meet a larger number of people in a more organized manner.
  • Advantages of Structured Networking Activities: Structured activities can help break the ice, ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to participate, and keep the event dynamic and engaging. By providing a clear structure, these activities can reduce the intimidation factor of networking and make it more approachable for all attendees.

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10+ Must-Try Networking Event Ideas

The promise of a powerful, effective networking event means so many organizers are looking for the very best techniques available.

Looking online, it’s clear that people are interested in figuring this out. One Quora discussion on good networking events highlights the diverse range of networking events that can effectively foster professional connections and provide valuable opportunities for attendees. It emphasizes that successful networking events go beyond traditional formats, incorporating innovative and engaging activities that cater to different interests and professional goals.

The discussion reveals that the best networking events offer a mix of structured and informal settings, interactive formats, and targeted themes to facilitate meaningful interactions. Building on these insights, here are more than 10 ideas to improve your networking events!

1.AI Networking

  • Enhance networking with technology
  • Seamless communication and engagement

Enhancing networking through technology is a powerful way to streamline interactions and maximize engagement. That also helps meet people where they are — 40% of professionals prefer networking online. (Source)

Integrating mobile apps, such as Fliplet’s event solutions, into your networking events can provide numerous benefits.

These apps offer features like real-time chat, personalized schedules, attendee profiles, and interactive maps — putting all your solutions in a single place. They facilitate seamless communication, help attendees stay organized, and enable virtual networking opportunities, making the overall experience more efficient and enjoyable.

2.Speed Networking Sessions

  • Quick, timed interactions
  • Multiple connections in a short time

Speed networking sessions are a dynamic and efficient way to facilitate numerous connections within a short timeframe. These events are modeled after speed dating, where participants engage in quick, timed interactions, typically lasting three to five minutes. Speed networking event ideas, then, focus on keeping time — producing urgency and making sure everyone gets face time with everyone else.

Each attendee gets to meet multiple people in a structured format, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to make numerous connections. This method is especially effective for large groups where attendees might find it challenging to meet everyone on their own. Speed networking promotes concise, impactful conversations and helps break the ice quickly.

3.Networking Bingo

  • Fun icebreaker
  • Encourages mingling and conversation

Most ideas for business networking events lack a sense of fun, but games can reintroduce a sense of play. Networking Bingo is an interactive icebreaker that encourages attendees to mingle and learn interesting facts about each other. Participants receive bingo cards filled with attributes or experiences (e.g., “Has traveled to more than five countries” or “Speaks three languages”).

The goal is to find people who match these attributes and get them to sign their bingo cards. This activity not only makes networking enjoyable but also sparks meaningful conversations and connections.

4.Topic-Based Roundtables

  • Structured discussions
  • Focus on specific themes

Topic-based roundtables are structured discussions centered around specific themes or subjects. These small group sessions allow participants to delve into topics of mutual interest, share expertise, and brainstorm solutions to common challenges. If you want ideas for company networking events that stimulate the intellect and nurture insights, this is a great option.

Roundtables encourage active participation and equal contribution from all attendees, making them ideal for in-depth discussions and knowledge exchange. This format is particularly beneficial for addressing complex issues and fostering collaborative problem-solving.

5.Panel Discussions with Q&A

  • Expert insights
  • Interactive audience engagement

Need ideas for organizing a networking event with a professional development component? Panel discussions featuring expert speakers provide valuable insights and engage the audience through interactive Q&A sessions. These events typically involve a moderator who guides the conversation and poses questions to the panelists. Looking for a stretch goal? This can become a large event that features speakers, workshops, and networking.

Audience members are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the discussion, creating a dynamic and engaging environment. Panel discussions are excellent for exploring diverse perspectives on a given topic and providing attendees with actionable takeaways.

6.Workshops and Skill-Building Sessions

  • Hands-on learning
  • Promotes collaboration and skill development

Workshops and skill-building sessions offer hands-on learning experiences that promote collaboration and skill development. These interactive sessions are designed to teach specific skills or techniques, often through practical exercises and real-time feedback.

Workshops can cover a wide range of topics, from leadership and communication to technical skills and creative problem-solving. By participating in these sessions, attendees can enhance their professional capabilities and build valuable relationships with fellow learners.

7.Virtual Reality Networking

  • Immersive experiences
  • Interactive virtual environment

Virtual reality (VR) networking provides immersive experiences that allow attendees to interact in a virtual environment. Networking ideas for virtual events leverage VR technology to create realistic and engaging settings where participants can meet, chat, and collaborate.

VR networking can include virtual conference rooms, exhibition halls, and social lounges, offering a unique and memorable way to connect. It’s particularly useful for remote events, where physical presence isn’t possible but interactive engagement is still desired.

8.Cocktail Receptions

  • Informal settings
  • Relaxed networking

Cocktail receptions are informal networking settings that encourage relaxed and spontaneous interactions. These social events typically feature drinks and light refreshments, creating a casual atmosphere where attendees can mingle and converse freely.

Cocktail receptions are ideal for breaking the ice and building rapport in a more laid-back environment. They often serve as a complementary activity to more structured networking sessions, providing a balanced mix of formal and informal opportunities to connect.

9.Activity-Based Networking

  • Group activities
  • Fun and engaging connections

Creative networking events are all about bringing our entire selves into our professional world. Activity-based networking involves organizing group activities, such as sports, games, or team-building exercises, to foster connections. These activities create a shared experience that can break down barriers and encourage collaboration.

Examples include golf tournaments, escape rooms, cooking classes, and outdoor adventures. By participating in these activities, attendees can build relationships in a fun and engaging way, making the networking experience more memorable and enjoyable.

10.Digital Business Card

  • Seamless information exchange
  • Environmentally friendly and easily accessible

Moving beyond the traditional physical business cards, digital business cards offer a modern solution for exchanging contact information. With just a tap, your details can be saved directly into the recipient’s contact list, ensuring that the connection is maintained without the risk of losing a physical card.

Fliplet’s digital business card is a perfect tool for this, allowing users to update their information in real-time and share it effortlessly during networking events. This not only simplifies the process but also adds a tech-savvy touch to your professional interactions.

11.Adding Social Features like Social Walls to an App

  • Enhanced attendee interaction
  • Real-time updates and engagement

Integrating social features like social walls into your event app can significantly boost attendee engagement. A social wall aggregates posts from social media platforms and displays them in real-time during the event. This feature encourages attendees to share their experiences, photos, and insights, creating a dynamic and interactive environment.

It also provides a visual representation of the event’s buzz, fostering a sense of community and excitement. Fliplet’s event solutions include customizable social walls that can be tailored to fit the theme and goals of your event, making it more engaging and memorable.

12.Virtual Happy Hours

  • Relaxed, virtual networking
  • Informal interactions

Virtual happy hours are relaxed, virtual networking sessions that allow for informal interactions. These events typically take place via video conferencing platforms and include activities like trivia games, themed discussions, and breakout rooms for smaller group conversations.

Virtual happy hours are an excellent way to maintain connections and engage with attendees in a fun and laid-back setting, even when in-person meetings are not possible.

AI Networking Apps: Moving Beyond Physical Business Cards

When you think of networking events, the first image that likely comes to mind is someone handing out a physical business card. While this is a time-honored tradition, it’s time to leverage technology to enhance these interactions. Utilizing AI-powered networking apps can lead to more consistent and meaningful follow-ups, something that physical cards often fail to facilitate.

Handing out physical business cards often results in them being misplaced or discarded, losing the opportunity for future interactions. We need innovative networking solutions to address this issue. AI networking apps, like Fliplet’s digital business card, can transform networking events from routine to memorable experiences.

Advantages of AI Networking Apps

  • Seamless Information Exchange: AI networking apps allow you to share contact information digitally, ensuring it is instantly saved and accessible in the recipient’s contacts.
  • Enhanced Follow-ups: These apps can track interactions and remind you to follow up, making sure you don’t lose touch with valuable contacts.
  • Personalized Recommendations: AI can analyze your networking preferences and suggest relevant connections, making your networking efforts more efficient and targeted.
  • Real-Time Updates: Your contact information can be updated in real-time, ensuring that your contacts always have your latest details.

Transforming Networking with AI

Instead of relying on physical cards, use AI networking apps like Fliplet’s digital business card to ensure your contact information is easily saved and updated. These apps can also include AI-driven features such as smart scheduling, follow-up reminders, and analytics to track the success of your networking efforts.

By embracing these AI-powered tools, you not only modernize your approach to networking but also create more meaningful and lasting professional relationships. Incorporating AI into your networking strategy ensures that each interaction is optimized, memorable, and beneficial for both parties.

Transform Your Ideas to Improve Your Networking with Fliplet

Now that you have so many great ideas for networking event activities, its time to implement them with the best tools available.

Fliplet offers comprehensive solutions to elevate your networking events. From discussion apps to digital business cards, our tools ensure seamless and effective networking. Learn more about our solutions by booking a free meeting today.

Lisa Broom

Lisa Broom is the Content Writer and Head of Marketing at Fliplet - an app building platform that enables anyone to easily create engaging and interactive mobile and web apps. Connect with Lisa on Linkedin


What are themed networking sessions and how do they work?

Themed networking sessions focus on specific topics or themes to guide discussions and interactions.

How can speed networking be implemented effectively?

Organize quick, timed sessions where participants meet multiple people in a structured manner.

What is the benefit of creating networking lounges at events?

Networking lounges provide a relaxed space for attendees to connect and engage in informal discussions.

What role do event apps play in networking?

Event apps facilitate seamless communication, scheduling, and engagement, enhancing the overall networking experience.

What are some low-cost networking ideas for smaller events?

Consider virtual happy hours, networking bingo, and discussion roundtables as budget-friendly options.

How can networking improve the overall success of my event?

Effective networking leads to higher attendee satisfaction, better engagement, and more meaningful connections.

What are some follow-up strategies after networking sessions?

Send personalized follow-up emails, connect on professional networks like LinkedIn, and schedule follow-up meetings to maintain the relationships built during the event.

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