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5 Reasons Why Your Training Strategy Should Be Mobile

Training Strategy with greater flexibility

Possibly the most significant benefit of mobile training apps is the ability they give to employees to complete their training whenever is most convenient.

This can allow them to continue training during ‘pockets’ of free time on commutes or at home, increasing their chances of engagement with training materials.

Apps can also incorporate inline help for users to self-assist if they encounter any problems, reducing the need for employees to wait for colleagues to assist them and allowing them to learn independently.

Employee Training that leads to higher engagement

Another benefit of mobile training apps is the ability to include interactive content, leading to higher engagement and faster learning.

Rather than a simple PowerPoint or PDF, mobile apps can incorporate videos, podcasts, embedded documents, interactive graphs, charts and infographics. This can help make information much more visually stimulating, aiding learning.

Other features include exam and quiz functions that allow employees to test themselves.

By incorporating gamification features such as points and badges, as well as dynamic results screens with charts tracking user performance, employees can set their own standards and aim to perform better and better.

This also has the added benefit of making learning into a more fun experience, making it more likely that users will engage further and in their own time.

For more on training and coaching apps, read our blog.

Evaluate your training strategy success with the use of analytics

Quiz and exam functions also have the benefit of offering employers rich data for analysis.

This can be usage tracking data, looking at how the app is performing in fulfilling training expectations. Or it can be performance tracking data, following how quickly new employees are catching up with their learning. Insights can also be gained into the existing knowledge of current employees.

Data can also be used by employees themselves to track their own progress, enabling them to manage their training further and set their own goals.

Mobile training strategy comes at a good price

Many companies are put off adopting enterprise apps because of the perceived high costs of developing and deploying apps within their company.

Although these costs can be considerable, companies need also take into account the costs that they will be cutting as a result of introducing enterprise apps.

By creating an app that can be used by a multitude of employees and making learning a self-assessment process, companies can cut costs in the form of training resources and staff time.

New employees can also save precious work time by training during commutes or other pockets of free time.

And by making learning more engaging, employees can learn a lot faster and have more time available to do other tasks. All this saved time directly results in cut costs.

Increased employee initiative

Finally, mobile employee training apps can greatly increase employee interest in learning and expanding their knowledge. Employees will have the knowledge they require at their reach, and it will be up to them to use it as much as possible in order to improve their learning.

This can have huge effects on the role employees perceive themselves performing within a company, encouraging them to become knowledge leaders in their field in order to perform better and increase the value of their work.

The result is a workforce that is willing to take the initiative and bring their own knowledge and ideas to the table in order to improve workflows and encourage cross-learning and collaboration.

In conclusion

Training apps are the perfect solution for companies wishing to make training more interactive and engaging, while cutting costs.

These apps can empower new employees by enabling them to complete training in their own time and to expand their knowledge as much as they desire.

At the same time, they provide employers with rich data, so that they are always aware of where their employees’ knowledge stands and how it can be further improved.

As we move towards an increasingly mobilised world, mobile training apps are on the road to becoming the norm. Now is the time for companies to begin creating training strategies that are mobile-first.

To learn more on how you can build a training or learning app read our blog post ” How to make a learning app


How to make your training strategy more effective?

A training strategy is an essential part of setting up training programs that are efficient and effective. By taking the time to define your goal, develop a plan to achieve it, monitor progress, and adjust if necessary, you can ensure your training has maximum impact. Start by considering who the training is for – who will benefit from the training? What specific skills or knowledge do they require? Once you have a clear understanding of the training’s purpose, create a timeline for delivery, budget considerations, and choices of training methods. It’s also important to measure training success to make sure you’re reaching your training goals. Furthermore, be sure to collect feedback from participants and stakeholders as this will help in adapting your training program accordingly as needed. With careful and strategic planning and execution every step of the way, you can maximize the impact of your training program.

What makes a good training strategy?

A successful training strategy requires a combination of careful planning and flexibility to ensure that each training program is tailored to meet the individual needs of learners. It should include an assessment of learning goals, a framework, clear objectives and timelines, dynamic content, and feedback opportunities that promote the development of practical skills. Additionally, training programs must be engaging by presenting complex topics in an easily digestible format with exciting visuals and interactive elements. A good training strategy also incorporates reinforcement techniques to enable learners to retain more information over time. All in all, when training strategies are implemented correctly, they have the potential to create positive results both for individuals and organizations as a whole.

What is the strategic model of training and how to use it?

The strategic model of training is an approach to training that considers the goals and needs of an organization. It begins with the establishment of clear training objectives that are aligned with a company’s strategic plan. Once those training objectives have been set, training materials must be identified and organized. The training strategy should also include techniques for evaluation in order to assess whether the training is achieving its intended purpose. This is especially important when training employees, as the business must make sure their investment in training yields tangible results. The strategic model of training allows organizations to focus their efforts on acquiring the skills and knowledge required for success. As such, it not only benefits companies but all employees investing in their own career development.

If you want to learn more we found this helpful article.