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The Best Intranet Alternatives For Any Enterprise

Niamh Conneely

Marketing Executive

Read Time: 9 minutes

Posted on January 27, 2024

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86% of employees agree that ineffective communication is one of the leading reasons for workplace failure.

As the workplace evolves, so must the tools we use. That’s where the concept of intranet alternatives, particularly something as innovative as Fliplet, comes into play.

Let’s explore why your enterprise might need to look beyond traditional intranets.

What is an intranet?

An intranet is essentially a private network within a company, designed to streamline communication, facilitate information sharing, and sometimes, manage tasks. It’s where employees can find everything from HR documents to the latest company news. While intranets have been integral to many corporate communication strategies, the rising interest in intranet alternatives is due to their inherent challenges. These challenges highlight the need for exploring intranet alternatives that can better meet the evolving demands of modern workplaces.

Advantages and disadvantages of intranets

Understanding the pros and cons of intranets is crucial for any organization, whether you’ve been using one for years or are considering an alternative. Let’s break it down to see how an intranet might benefit or challenge your company.

Here’s a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of intranets:

Advantages of intranets

  • Central location for important files: An intranet provides a central hub for storing all company information, which is particularly beneficial for organizations with a large number of employees and various departments
  • Streamlined content and updates: Modern intranets have evolved to include content management functionality, allowing for streamlined company updates, internal content sharing, discussion boards, and internal social media networks
  • Enhanced employee communication: Intranets can feature individual profiles of employees, fostering better interpersonal connections, collaboration, and ease of communication within a growing company

Disadvantages of intranets

  • Difficulty in locating information: Despite being a repository of information, the traditional format of intranets can make it challenging to find specific information, leading to a loss of personalization and buried updates
  • Limited mobile access: Many intranets lack robust mobile support, which can be detrimental to remote workers and those needing access outside of standard office hours. In addition, they often require a remote VPN for access outside the company network
  • Slow to update: Intranets can be slow to adapt to new features and updates, often lagging behind the rapid pace of digital transformation. This can result in a steep learning curve with each new release and potential frustration among employees

In light of these aspects, it’s clear why enterprises are looking for more dynamic and adaptable intranet alternatives like Fliplet. The aim is to match the pace of digital needs today while maintaining the core advantages that intranets traditionally offer.

Challenges of intranets in the today’s workplace

Intranets, a staple in many organizations, confront significant challenges, especially with the emergence of various intranet alternatives. These challenges prompt a deeper exploration, building upon the earlier discussion about the advantages and disadvantages.

Not as robust or user-friendly

Traditional intranets often lack the robustness and user-friendly interface that modern digital tools offer. They can feel outdated, especially when compared to the sleek, intuitive apps employees use in their personal lives.

Limited instant access

A major drawback of many intranets is the lack of instant access, particularly from mobile devices. This limitation is increasingly problematic in a time where immediate access to information and tools is expected.

Lack of detailed analytics

Intranets often fall short in providing detailed analytics on content and communications. This data is crucial for understanding employee engagement and the effectiveness of internal communications.

No real-time messaging and push notifications

The absence of real-time messaging and push notifications is a significant gap in traditional intranets. These features are essential for timely communication and keeping employees informed and engaged.

Difficulty in finding information

Finding relevant information can be a major point of friction on intranets. This challenge is compounded by poor personalization and a lack of social sharing capabilities, which are vital for driving content awareness and engagement.

Overly complex for admins

Intranets can be overly complex and time-consuming for administrators to manage, often requiring extensive IT support. This complexity can lead to longer implementation times and complicate the onboarding process.

Missing personalization and social sharing

Traditional intranets often lack personalization options and social sharing capabilities. These features are important for creating a more engaging and relevant digital workplace experience.

Survey insights

A survey by Prescient Digital Media highlighted that only 13% of employees use their intranet daily, and 31% never use it. This statistic indicates that intranets are not meeting the needs of employees in terms of information access and engagement.

The bigger picture

Intranets are more than just tools for organizing information; they play a crucial role in driving employee engagement, building community, fostering employee advocacy, and simplifying collaboration. However, as the digital workplace evolves, the limitations of traditional intranets become more apparent, creating a need for more adaptable and user-centric solutions. This is where alternatives like Fliplet come into the picture, offering features and functionalities that align more closely with the needs of a modern digital workplace.

What are traditional intranets and modern intranets?

So, what exactly differentiates a traditional intranet from a modern one? Traditional intranets are often rigid, one-size-fits-all solutions that are primarily focused on information dissemination.

Modern intranets, on the other hand, are more adaptable, user-friendly, and integrated with various tools and platforms. They are designed to adopt a more collaborative and engaging work environment, aligning with the needs of contemporary digital workplaces.

The intranet software alternative to consider

Now, let’s talk about Fliplet – a popular intranet alternative. Fliplet steps in where traditional intranets fall short. It offers a platform that’s not just about sharing information but about creating an interactive, engaging workspace. With its customizable features and user-friendly interface, Fliplet is tailored to fit the unique needs of any enterprise.

Start building your intranet for free, then upgrade when ready

One of the standout features of Fliplet is its flexibility. You can start building your intranet with their free version and then scale up as your needs grow. This approach allows businesses to experiment and find what works best for them without a hefty initial investment. It’s a low-risk, high-reward scenario where you have the freedom to experiment and discover the perfect setup for your team without worrying about upfront costs.

Technical explanation of Fliplet as an intranet software alternative

Fliplet isn’t just about affordability; it’s also about user-friendliness and adaptability. Fliplet is designed for the everyday user, not just the tech-savvy ones. Its drag-and-drop functionality makes it a breeze for anyone to set up and manage their intranet. You don’t need to be a coding whiz or an IT expert. Whether you’re uploading documents, customizing layouts, or setting up communication channels, it’s all straightforward. The platform integrates seamlessly with various business tools and supports a range of features from content management to analytics. Essentially, Fliplet is built to adapt to your business, not the other way around.

Want to discover more? Hear how Gateley created an intranet solution to maximize efficiency and engagement:

Why is Fliplet the best Sharepoint intranet alternative?

When compared to SharePoint, a widely used intranet solution, Fliplet stands out for its ease of use and customization. Unlike SharePoint, which can be complex and requires considerable setup and maintenance, Fliplet offers a more streamlined and user-friendly experience. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses looking for an efficient and flexible intranet solution.

What features should you look for in a new intranet?

When selecting a new intranet alternative, certain features are critical to ensuring it meets the evolving needs of your business. Here’s a breakdown of these key features with explanations:

  • User experience: The intranet should be intuitive and easy to navigate, providing a seamless experience that encourages regular use and engagement among employees
  • Customization: It’s important for an intranet to offer robust customization options. This allows businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs, and branding
  • Integration capabilities: The ability to integrate with other tools and systems is crucial. This ensures a cohesive and efficient digital workplace environment
  • Scalability: As your business grows, your intranet should be able to scale accordingly. This means it should support an increasing number of users, expanding content, and additional functionalities without performance issues
  • Personalized experiences: An intranet should provide personalization options, allowing content and features to be tailored to individual users or groups, enhancing relevance and engagement
  • Collaboration tools: Features that facilitate collaboration, such as shared workspaces, document editing, and team communication channels, are essential for adopting a collaborative work environment
  • Mobile accessibility: With the rise of remote and hybrid work models, mobile accessibility is a must. Employees should be able to access the intranet efficiently from their mobile devices
  • Security and compliance: The intranet must have robust security measures to protect sensitive company information and ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations
  • Analytics and reporting: The ability to track and analyze how employees use the intranet can provide valuable insights into engagement levels and help in making data-driven improvements
  • Easy content management: An effective intranet should make it easy to create, manage, and distribute content without needing extensive technical skills

By focusing on these features, you can ensure that your new intranet will be a valuable and sustainable asset for your organization, adapting to its changing needs and enhancing overall productivity and communication.

Top 3 software intranet alternatives

Besides Fliplet, there are other notable intranet alternatives. For instance, Bitrix24, Igloo and ClickUp offer robust features and flexibility. Each of these platforms brings something unique to the table, catering to different business needs.

Let’s look into these alternatives, breaking down their key features and advantages:

1 Bitrix24

Bitrix24 is a platform designed for businesses seeking an all-in-one solution for their operational needs, offering an intranet alternative to a traditional alternative. As an intranet alternative, Bitrix24 provides a multifaceted approach to meet the dynamic demands of modern enterprises.

Key features:

  • Comprehensive suite of tools: Includes CRM, task management, document handling, and time tracking
  • Communication and collaboration: Features chat, video conferencing, and group discussions
  • Project and task management: Offers robust tools for task and project tracking


  • All-in-one solution: Serves as a comprehensive solution for various business functions
  • Enhanced productivity: Streamlines workflows and boosts productivity
  • Flexible deployment options: Available in both cloud and on-premise versions


  • Basic: $36 /month
  • Standard: $74 /month
  • Professional: $149 /month
  • Enterprise: $299 /month

2 Igloo

Igloo offers a digital workplace solution that serves as an effective intranet alternative, focusing on enhancing collaboration and communication within organizations. It specializes in creating a more connected and interactive intranet experience, promoting a sense of community and knowledge sharing among employees.

Key features:

  • Social intranet features: Blogs, forums, and social feeds for improved engagement
  • Customizable digital workplace: Offers high customization for branding and workflows
  • Knowledge management: Effective tools for information sharing and document management


  • Improved employee engagement: Facilitates a more engaging and connected workplace
  • Adaptable to business needs: Tailors to the unique needs of different organizations
  • Easy access to information: Enhances the efficiency of knowledge sharing and retrieval


Contact Igloo for their pricing plans

3 ClickUp

ClickUp, serving as an all-in-one productivity tool, is a good intranet alternative choice as it is tailored for teams across various industries. It stands out with its scalable architecture and customizable features, making it a versatile choice for managing projects, workflows, and team collaboration.

Key features:

  • Multiple views: Over 15 different views for task management, so you can decide what works best for you
  • Flexible time tracking: Improve time management so you can focus on your work, and feel more in control of your workdays
  • Team collaboration & communication: Streamlines communication in one platform


  • Versatile work management: Adaptable to various types of work and industries
  • Enhanced team collaboration: Facilitates better team communication and project management
  • Customization and flexibility: Offers extensive personalization to suit specific business needs.


  • Free
  • Unlimited: $7 user/month
  • Business: $12 user/month
  • Enterprise: Contact ClickUp

How to internally market your new intranet?

So, you’ve set up a new intranet for your organization – that’s a great step forward. But here’s the catch, it’s not just about having the tool; it’s about making sure everyone uses it well. That’s where internal marketing comes into play. It’s about selling the idea of your intranet to your team. Begin by breaking down the benefits. Explain how this new intranet is going to make everyone’s daily tasks easier. Show them that it’s not just another platform but a solution that simplifies their work life.

Here’s a simple plan to ensure your intranet becomes the new star in the office:

  • Regular updates: Keep everyone in the loop. Share updates about new features, improvements, or success stories. A monthly newsletter or a quick post on the intranet itself can do wonders
  • Feedback mechanism: Set up a way for your team to voice their opinions. It could be a suggestion box feature within the intranet or regular feedback sessions. When employees feel heard, they’re more likely to engage
  • Incentivize usage: Who doesn’t love a little motivation? Consider introducing rewards or recognition for those who actively use and contribute to the intranet. It could be as simple as a ‘Star User of the Month’ award
  • Integration with daily work: Make the intranet a natural part of your team’s day. Embed it into daily routines and processes. When it becomes a tool they can’t work without, you know you’ve hit the jackpot

In promoting your new intranet, don’t miss out on leveraging the latest tools available. For instance, Fliplet offers a fantastic AI App Assistant. This tool can significantly enhance user experience and streamline tasks, making the intranet more appealing and user-friendly.

Also, it’s a great idea to draw insights and strategies from experts. Fliplet has hosted a valuable webinar on “Unleashing the Power of App Promotion: Strategies for Success.” This webinar is packed with tips and tricks on how to effectively promote and integrate new digital tools within your organization. It could give you some fresh ideas on how to make your intranet not just a tool but an essential part of your team’s workflow.

Remember, the goal is to make the intranet an indispensable part of your organization’s daily life. By effectively marketing it internally, offering the right tools and resources, and creating an environment that encourages active participation, your new intranet will soon become the digital hub of your workplace, enhancing collaboration, efficiency, and overall job satisfaction.

Conclusion: The best intranet alternative

In conclusion, the best intranet alternative for any enterprise is one that aligns with its unique needs and challenges. Fliplet emerges as a strong contender, offering flexibility, user-friendliness, and customization. It stands as a testament to how intranet solutions need to evolve to keep pace with the modern digital workplace. Whether you choose Fliplet or another platform, the key is to select a solution that enhances communication, collaboration, and productivity in your organization.

Niamh Conneely

Niamh Conneely is the Content Writer and Marketing Executive at Fliplet – an app building platform that enables anyone to easily create engaging and interactive mobile and web apps.

Niamh has experience in content creation and writing and has achieved two level 6 awards for The Chartered Institute of Marketing. She has developed skills to help organizations deal with the challenges of a fast-moving marketplace. Connect with Niamh on Linkedin.


What are internal apps and how do they enhance the intranet experience in an enterprise?

Internal apps refer to specialized software applications designed for use within an enterprise. These apps streamline various business processes, enhance communication, and improve employee engagement. When integrated into an intranet solution like Fliplet, they can transform the intranet into a more dynamic, interactive, and efficient workspace. Internal apps can include tools for project management, HR processes, internal communication, and more, thereby boosting productivity and collaboration.

Can internal apps be customized according to specific business needs?

Absolutely! One of the key benefits of using internal apps within an intranet platform is their high level of customizability. Enterprises can tailor these apps to meet their specific operational needs and workflows. This customization ensures that the apps align with the unique processes, branding, and culture of the enterprise, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of the intranet.

How secure are internal apps in an enterprise intranet environment?

Security is a top priority for internal apps, especially in an enterprise setting. These apps are typically equipped with robust security features such as encryption, secure login protocols, and data protection measures. This ensures that sensitive company information remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access, making them a safe and reliable component of an enterprise intranet.

What is the role of AI in enhancing internal apps within an intranet?

AI plays a transformative role in internal apps by introducing automation, personalized content delivery, and advanced data analysis. For instance, AI can automate routine tasks, provide personalized notifications and insights to employees, and analyze large datasets to offer strategic business insights. This integration of AI not only makes the apps more efficient but also enhances the overall user experience within the intranet, making it a smarter and more intuitive platform for enterprise operations.