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34 Proven Mobile App Promotion Strategies in 2023: Guaranteed to Boost Your Downloads

Niamh Conneely

Marketing Executive

Read Time: 17 minutes

Posted on September 29, 2023

34 Proven Mobile App Promotion Strategies in 2023: Guaranteed to Boost Your Downloads

Mobile applications have taken center stage, transforming the way we interact, work, and entertain ourselves. With millions of apps available across various app stores, getting your mobile app noticed and downloaded by users has become a significant challenge.

It is crucial for app developers and organizations to implement effective app promotion strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of mobile app promotion, delving into proven strategies and tactics that can help you reach your goal.

Whether you’re a seasoned app developer or new to the world of app creation, understanding and mastering app promotion is essential for achieving your app’s full potential.

What is Mobile App Promotion?

Mobile app promotion refers to a set of marketing strategies and activities designed to increase the visibility, awareness, and adoption of a mobile application among its target audience. It contains a wide range of techniques, both organic and paid, that aim to attract users, encourage downloads, and ultimately, drive engagement with the app.

If you are at the start of your app development journey take a look at these tips on launching your app:

Why is Mobile App Promotion Crucial for App Success?

There are many reasons why you should promote your mobile app, the main ones being to get more downloads and engagement. Before we dive into the factors that contribute to a successful mobile app promotion it is important to understand the app promotion process:

Now let’s take a look at the result of successful mobile app promotion:

  • Visibility in a Crowded Market: The app stores are flooded with millions of apps across various categories. Without promotion, your app may get lost in the crowd, making it challenging for potential users to discover it.
  • User Acquisition: Successful app promotion strategies lead to increased user acquisition. Acquiring a substantial user base is essential for an app’s growth and long-term success.
  • Competition: Your competitors are likely investing in app promotion. To stay competitive, you need to promote your app effectively to gain a secure place in the market.
  • Revenue Generation: For apps with monetization models such as in-app purchases, ads, or subscriptions, promotion is crucial to attract users who are more likely to generate revenue.
  • User Engagement: Promotion not only helps you acquire users but also engage them. Engaged users are more likely to provide valuable feedback, write positive reviews, and become advocates for your app.
  • App Store Rankings: App store algorithms consider factors like downloads, user ratings, and reviews when ranking apps. Effective promotion can boost these metrics, improving your app’s visibility in app store search results.
  • Feedback Loop: Promoting your app provides an opportunity to gather user feedback and insights, helping you identify areas for improvement and refine your app’s features and functionality.
  • Monetization: If your app relies on ad revenue, promotion can increase your app’s reach and ad impressions, ultimately driving higher ad revenue.

Want some tips on how you can drive engagement to your mobile app? Take a look at this snippet from a recent webinar we hosted:

Mobile app promotion is not just about getting more downloads; it’s about creating a solid foundation for your app’s success, increasing its visibility, acquiring users, and engaging them effectively to drive growth and achieve your app-related goals.

Check out The Ultimate Guide to Marketing for Apps: 13 ways to Promote Apps and Drive Marketing ROI

Key Elements of an Effective Mobile App Promotion Strategy

In the fiercely competitive mobile app landscape, crafting an effective mobile app promotion strategy is paramount to stand out and succeed. Here are key elements that play a pivotal role in boosting your mobile app’s visibility and driving downloads:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is essential for enhancing the online visibility of your app and driving organic traffic to your website or app store listing. To achieve robust SEO for your app, consider these strategies:

  • Keyword Research: Identify the most relevant and high-impact keywords related to your app’s niche. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find suitable keywords.
  • Content Optimization: Create high-quality, informative content on your website or blog that incorporates these keywords naturally. This content can serve as a valuable resource for users interested in your app’s niche.
  • Backlink Building: Build authoritative backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. High-quality backlinks can improve your app’s search engine rankings.
  • Technical SEO: Ensure that your website or landing pages have with fast loading times, are mobile responsive, and secure browsing (HTTPS).

ASO (App Store Optimization)

It’s crucial for ensuring your app’s discoverability within app stores. Effective ASO involves optimizing various aspects of your app store listing:

  • App Name: Craft a unique and easily findable app name that reflects your app’s core functionality.
  • Keywords: Include relevant keywords in your app’s metadata while avoiding keyword stuffing. These keywords should align with what users might search for.
  • Description: Clearly articulate your app’s value and benefits in the app store description. Ensure that it’s frequently updated with app update descriptions and release notes.
  • Screenshots/Video: Create professional, informative screenshots or videos showcasing your app’s core features. These visuals provide users with a quick glimpse of your app’s capabilities.
  • Ratings and Reviews: Positive app ratings and reviews enhance your app’s credibility and attract more downloads. Encourage users to rate and review your app after they’ve used it.
  • Localization: Optimize your app store listing for different languages and regions to broaden your global reach.

Both SEO and ASO are essential components of a robust mobile app promotion strategy. SEO focuses on driving organic traffic to your app’s website, while ASO ensures your app is discoverable within app stores, ultimately increasing its visibility and attracting potential users.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a tool that can contribute to the success of your mobile app promotion efforts. Every email your business sends out is an opportunity to introduce your app to a broader audience. Incorporate the following elements into your email marketing strategy:

  • Footers: Include a brief app promotion message and a download link in the footer of all outgoing emails, whether they’re from tech support, newsletters, or order confirmations.
  • Newsletter Integration: Seamlessly integrate app links into your newsletters to reach your existing audience.
  • Email Signatures: Make it a habit to include app promotion in email signatures, ensuring that every email your team sends becomes a marketing touchpoint.

Customer Research

The foundation of a successful app promotion strategy lies in understanding your target audience’s needs and expectations. Engage in thorough customer research before launching your app:

  • Market Research: Begin by reaching out to your existing customer base through email surveys. Incentivize their participation with discounts or educational content.
  • Feedback Gathering: Ask customers about their preferences, pain points, and desires regarding your app’s potential features.
  • Incorporate Customer Insights: By involving customers in the app creation process, you not only subtly promote your app but also ensure it caters to their specific needs and expectations.
  • Word of Mouth: Satisfied customers can become powerful advocates for your app, spreading the word to their networks.

Landing Pages and Website

Establishing a strong online presence for your app is essential to convey legitimacy and build trust with potential users. Your app should be seamlessly integrated into your website:

  • Prominence: For enterprise brands, prominently feature your app across your website, rather than relegating it to a small logo in the footer.
  • Consistency: Ensure that your app’s presence is consistent throughout your website, demonstrating your commitment to it as a legitimate part of your business.

Each of these elements is a critical building block of a successful mobile app promotion strategy. They enhance your app’s visibility, drive user engagement, and establish credibility in a competitive app market.

The Basics: App Marketing

Before we jump into the proven tactics it’s important to understand the basics of app marketing. Mobile app promotion involves a structured approach that centers on aligning your app’s objectives with your target audience and highlighting its unique selling points, such as its features or benefits.

To guide you through this process, it’s crucial to identify your target audience, gaining a deep understanding of potential users and their needs or expectations from your app.

Once you’ve defined your audience, the next step is to establish clear goals or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will serve as benchmarks for measuring your app’s success. These KPIs may encompass various aspects, including downloads, user engagement with specific app features, revenue generation, lead acquisition, and more.

With your goals in mind, you can then craft a comprehensive mobile app promotion plan that spans different stages. This plan may encompass App Store Optimization (ASO), social media marketing, content marketing, and possibly paid advertising. Effective app marketing isn’t limited to external channels; it also involves creating engaging content within your app. This content, ranging from compelling visuals to descriptions, videos, and articles, should resonate with your target audience and encourage them to actively use your app.

Monitoring and analyzing your app’s performance through analytics tools is pivotal to the process. These tools enable you to track key metrics, aligning with your predefined KPIs. By gaining insights into what’s working and what needs improvement, you can continuously optimize both your app marketing strategies and the app itself. Embracing a culture of learning from both successes and setbacks is essential.

Next, to make sure you and your users get the most out of your mobile app you should optimize it, this could be done by publishing it to the web, Apple App Store, and Google Play this means your app should be compatible with mobile, tablet and desktop. Platforms such as Fliplet makes it really easy for anyone to build an app and publish it on the Web, Apple App Store, and Google Play, and you can do it without any code:

Once your app is optimized you need to ensure your users come back so, to keep your users engaged we recommend publishing updates, this can be through things like app design, or updating content.

Lastly, ensure there’s robust customer support in place to assist users. Offer them channels for feedback, reviews, and inquiries. Being responsive to user needs and feedback is fundamental in maintaining user satisfaction and enhancing the long-term success of your app.

By following these guidelines and staying attuned to the evolving app landscape, app marketing becomes a potent tool for expanding your app’s user base and achieving sustained success.

If you are wanting to scale your mobile app take a read of our Ultimate Guide: How to scale mobile enterprise app development without coding or IT resources.

Promoting an App on Android App Store vs Apple App Store: Key Considerations

Promoting your mobile app on the Android App Store and the Apple App Store requires a thoughtful approach due to the distinct characteristics of each platform. Here’s what you should consider differently when promoting your app on these two major app marketplaces:

Platform Guidelines and Policies

  • Apple App Store: Apple is known for its stringent review process. Ensure that your app complies with Apple’s strict guidelines regarding design, functionality, and content. Pay close attention to user interface (UI) design principles, as Apple places a strong emphasis on a seamless user experience.
  • Android App Store: Google’s Android platform offers more flexibility in terms of app submission. However, this flexibility can also result in a wider range of app quality. While Android apps undergo review, the process is generally less strict compared to Apple’s. Focus on optimizing your app’s functionality and user experience for various Android device models and screen sizes.

App Monetization

  • Apple App Store: Apple’s App Store has a reputation for attracting users who are more willing to pay for apps and in-app purchases. Consider pricing strategies that align with this user base, such as offering premium features or subscriptions.
  • Android App Store: Android users often expect free or ad-supported apps. Consider monetization models like in-app advertising or freemium offerings, which may be better received by the Android audience.

Marketing Strategies

  • Apple App Store: Apple users often value design and user experience. Highlight these aspects in your marketing materials, emphasizing how your app provides a seamless and visually appealing experience.
  • Android App Store: Android users appreciate customization and flexibility. Showcase how your app caters to these preferences, such as offering customization options or compatibility with a wide range of Android devices.

Looking to publish an app on the Apple App store? Follow these 7 Steps to Making an App for iPhone in Less Than a Day

34 Proven Tactics for Mobile App Promotion

Employing proven tactics for mobile app promotion is crucial. Before we dive into the 33 tactics lets watch an overview on key way you can promote and market your mobile app:

Now let’s explore 34 strategies to help your mobile app stand out and reach its full potential.

App Store Optimization (ASO)

App Store Optimization, or ASO, is a fundamental tactic for mobile app promotion. It involves optimizing various elements within your app’s store listing to improve its visibility and discoverability.

  • Importance of Keywords: Keywords are the foundation of ASO. Choosing the right keywords ensures your app shows up in relevant search results. These keywords should align with what potential users might search for when looking for an app like yours.
  • App Icon Design: Your app icon is often the first impression users have of your app. It should be eye-catching, memorable, and reflect the essence of your app’s functionality. A well-designed icon can pique users’ interest and encourage them to explore further. If you are creating an app for your organization it would be good to make sure your app icon is on brand and incorporate your brand colors and font.
  • App Description: Your app’s description is a critical component of ASO. It should provide a concise yet compelling overview of what your app offers. Include key features, benefits, and a call to action.

Here is an example of an event app description:

Event App Name [EventHub]

Discover, engage, and immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences with EventHub, the premier event app that takes your event-going journey to the next level!

Key Features:

  •  Event Discovery: Explore a curated selection of the hottest events happening in your city and beyond. From concerts and festivals to conferences and exhibitions, EventHub brings the best of local and global events right to your fingertips.
  • Ticket Booking: Secure your spot at your favorite events effortlessly. Purchase tickets with a few taps and receive e-tickets directly on your phone. No more fumbling with paper tickets or long queues.
  • Interactive Event Schedules: Stay on top of event schedules with our intuitive calendar. Plan your day, set reminders, and never miss a moment of the action.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow attendees before, during, and after events. Expand your professional network, share insights, and make lasting connections.
  • Event Updates: Receive real-time updates, announcements, and exclusive offers directly from event organizers. Be the first to know about lineup changes, special promotions, and more.

Why EventHub?

EventHub is more than just an event listing app; it’s your passport to unforgettable experiences. Our user-friendly interface, seamless ticketing, and interactive features ensure you get the most out of every event you attend.

Whether you’re a music enthusiast, a business professional, or a social butterfly, EventHub has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the events that matter to you—download EventHub today and start creating memories!

Get ready to embark on a journey filled with excitement, inspiration, and endless possibilities. Your next adventure awaits with EventHub.

This app description highlights the app’s key features, benefits, and a call to action, making it engaging and informative for potential users.

Demo Video Creation

Creating a demo video is a powerful tactic for mobile app promotion. A video can convey your app’s value and functionality more effectively than text or images alone.

  • Storytelling: Storytelling is an art that can captivate users and make your app memorable. Craft a narrative around your app’s purpose, highlighting its benefits and how it can improve users’ lives.
  • USP Focus: Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what sets your app apart from the competition. Emphasize your app’s USP in your promotional materials to clearly communicate why users should choose it over other options.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing leverages the reach and credibility of influencers to promote your app to their followers. It’s a proven tactic for expanding your app’s visibility and user base.

  • Identifying the Right Influencers: Finding influencers whose audience aligns with your app’s target demographic is crucial. Look for influencers who have genuine interest and expertise in your app’s niche.
  • Collaboration Strategies: Collaborate with influencers to create engaging content that showcases your app’s features and benefits. Consider offering exclusive promotions or giveaways through influencers to drive user engagement.

Referral Programs

Referral programs are a tried-and-true tactic for mobile app promotion, playing a pivotal role in expanding your app’s user base. The essence of this strategy lies in harnessing your existing users as advocates who actively refer friends, family, or colleagues to download and engage with your app. How can you achieve referral programs?

  • Incentives: By offering rewards, discounts, or exclusive content, you not only encourage existing users to participate but also entice new users to take action. Incentives act as a driving force behind referrals, making this tactic a win-win situation for both the referrer and the referred, ultimately contributing to organic growth and heightened user engagement.
  • User Engagement: When users refer others to your app, they become more invested in its success. They have a stake in ensuring that the referred users have a positive experience, which, in turn, leads to increased interaction and activity within your app. This increased engagement keeps users actively promoting your app and strengthens its position in the competitive mobile market.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings play a crucial role in mobile app promotion. They are important because they influence potential users’ decisions and contribute to your app’s credibility and visibility. Positive reviews and high ratings can attract more downloads and improve your app’s ranking in app stores.

To encourage users to leave reviews, app creators can:

  • Prompt users with in-app requests for reviews at the right moment, such as after a successful interaction or completing a task.
  • Offer incentives like discounts, virtual rewards, or premium features to motivate users to share their feedback.
  • Ensure a seamless and user-friendly review process within the app, minimizing any friction or obstacles.
  • Respond to user reviews, both positive and negative, to show engagement and dedication to improving the app.
  • Create a community or feedback channel where users can provide input and feel heard.

By actively managing and encouraging reviews and ratings, app creators can boost their app’s reputation and attract more users through positive word-of-mouth and improved search visibility.

Podcast Sponsorships

Podcast sponsorships are a proven and impactful tactic for mobile app promotion. They provide a unique avenue to connect with a highly targeted audience. In the competitive landscape of app promotion, diversifying marketing channels is essential, and podcasts offer an excellent opportunity to reach potential users. Podcast listeners often exhibit a keen interest in specific topics or niches, making them valuable prospects for app creators.

Sponsoring a podcast allows app creators to tap into a receptive audience that already shares an interest in relevant categories. For instance, if you have a fitness app, sponsoring a health and fitness podcast can introduce your app to individuals genuinely interested in fitness and well-being. Crafting compelling ad content that highlights your app’s unique value proposition and offers exclusive incentives or promotions to podcast listeners can further enhance the effectiveness of this strategy. Monitoring and measuring the performance of podcast sponsorships in terms of app downloads and user engagement is essential for refining your mobile app promotion efforts.

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising leverages the vast user base and engagement on popular social platforms to reach a broad audience of potential app users. Social media advertising offers a dynamic and versatile channel that enables app creators to promote their apps through various ad formats, such as image ads, video ads, and carousel ads, allowing them to convey their app’s value and functionality creatively.

  • Target Audience: Targeting a specific audience is crucial in mobile app promotion through social media advertising. It allows app creators to reach users who are most likely to engage with and download their apps, increasing the chances of conversions and downloads. This precise targeting not only enhances the efficiency of ad campaigns but also minimizes ad spend wastage on users who are unlikely to convert.
  • A/B Testing: A/B testing plays a pivotal role in optimizing social media advertising for mobile apps. It involves creating variations of ad elements such as ad copy, visuals, and call-to-action buttons to identify which combinations perform best in terms of click-through rates (CTR), conversions, and app downloads. By continuously refining ad elements based on real-time data and user responses, app creators can maximize the impact of their social media advertising efforts, ultimately leading to increased downloads and views of their mobile apps.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a highly effective tactic for mobile app promotion, focusing on creating valuable and relevant content to engage and attract potential users. It plays a pivotal role in educating users about an app’s benefits, features, and value proposition, ultimately driving downloads and user engagement.

  • Blogging: Blogging is an integral part of content marketing for mobile app promotion. App creators should write blog posts that revolve around topics related to their app’s industry, niche, or the problems it solves. By providing informative and engaging content, they can establish themselves as experts in their field and capture the interest of potential users. Blog posts can generate organic traffic to the app’s website or landing page. Within blog posts, app creators can strategically include calls to action (CTAs) that encourage readers to explore the app further, sign up, or download it, ultimately leading to increased downloads.
  • Guest Posts: Guest posting is a valuable strategy to extend the reach of mobile app promotion. App creators can reach out to relevant industry blogs or websites and offer to write guest posts. These guest posts should provide value to the blog’s audience and include mentions or references to the app when relevant. By contributing informative and engaging content to external platforms, app creators can tap into new audiences who may be interested in their app. They can also include CTAs within guest posts to direct readers to their app’s website or download page.
  • Public Relations (PR): PR is a game-changer in the world of mobile app promotion. Crafting impactful press releases can be a key driver in your app’s success. Whether you’re launching a new app, announcing updates, or aiming to stand out in the mobile app arena, these PR tactics can help you reach your promotion goals.
  • Press Releases: Press releases are official announcements that app creators can use to share news about their app, such as launches, updates, or significant achievements. A well-structured press release with a compelling angle can capture the interest of journalists and bloggers, leading to media coverage. When creating press releases, app creators should ensure they address newsworthy topics that would pique the media’s interest. They should consider factors like app uniqueness, user benefits, or industry impact to create press releases that resonate with journalists and bloggers.
  • Media Outreach: Media outreach is a strategic approach to mobile app promotion that involves proactively reaching out to journalists, bloggers, and industry publications to pitch app-related stories or news. To execute effective media outreach, app creators should start by identifying journalists and bloggers who cover topics relevant to their app’s niche or industry. They can then craft personalized pitches that highlight the app’s unique value proposition, features, or achievements. These pitches should emphasize the app’s newsworthiness and how it can benefit the publication’s audience. By building relationships with media professionals and getting their app featured in articles, reviews, or interviews, app creators can gain valuable exposure and credibility, driving more downloads and user engagement.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is a proven tactic for mobile app promotion that involves paid advertising on search engines like Google. SEM campaigns include various types of ads, such as search ads, display ads, or app install ads, which are strategically placed in search results or on websites visited by potential users.

SEM is effective because it directly targets users who are actively searching for app-related keywords or terms. App creators can create compelling ad copy and bid on relevant keywords to ensure their app appears prominently in search results. SEM helps mobile app promotion by increasing visibility and driving traffic to the app’s landing page or download page. It provides a highly targeted and measurable approach to app promotion, allowing app creators to reach users who are actively looking for solutions provided by their app.

In Store Promotion

In-store promotion is a tactic for mobile app promotion, primarily because it directly engages with your target audience when they are already interested in your product or service. By strategically placing in-store promotions and advertisements within physical locations or other apps, you can capture the attention of potential users. For instance, offering exclusive discounts or rewards to customers who download your app while shopping in a retail store can incentivize app downloads.

Community Building

Community building is another tried-and-true strategy for mobile app promotion. Building a community around your app promotes a sense of belonging and loyalty among users.

  • Online Forums: Engaging with online forums relevant to your app’s niche is a proven tactic for mobile app promotion. Participate in discussions, answer questions, and provide valuable insights related to your app’s features or benefits. Building a positive reputation within these forums can position your app as a valuable solution, encouraging forum members to check out your app and recommend it to others.
  • Reddit Threads: Leveraging Reddit threads related to your app’s category can be highly effective for promotion. Actively participate in discussions, offering genuine advice or solutions that align with your app’s offerings. Avoid overt self-promotion but instead focus on being a helpful and active member of the community. When appropriate, you can subtly mention your app if it directly addresses the discussion’s topic. Reddit users appreciate authenticity, and building trust within these threads can lead to increased app downloads and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Participation in Industry Events

Participating in industry events is a valuable tactic for mobile app promotion. These events provide an opportunity to showcase your app to a targeted audience interested in your niche. You can network with potential users, demonstrate your app’s features, and gather valuable feedback. Leveraging industry events helps create awareness and generate downloads from an engaged and relevant audience.


Cross-promotion involves partnering with other app developers or businesses to promote each other’s apps. This tactic can significantly expand your app’s reach by tapping into an established user base that’s interested in similar apps or services. Cross-promotion can be done through in-app promotions, social media shoutouts, or email campaigns, generating collaboration and driving downloads.


Localization is essential for mobile app promotion, especially for international audiences. Adapting your app’s content, language, and features to cater to different regions or languages increases its appeal and accessibility. Users are more likely to download and engage with an app that speaks their language and resonates with their culture, making localization a key strategy for global expansion.

Loyalty Programs

Implementing loyalty programs within your app can boost user retention and acquisition. Rewarding users for their continued engagement, referrals, or in-app actions incentivizes them to not only stay but also encourage others to download and use your app. Loyalty programs create a win-win scenario, where users benefit from exclusive rewards, and you benefit from increased app downloads and user engagement.

Beta Testing

Beta testing involves releasing a pre-launch version of your app to a select group of users to gather feedback and identify potential issues. This tactic is crucial for refining your app’s functionality, fixing bugs, and ensuring a seamless user experience. Beta testers often become early advocates, and their positive feedback can contribute to effective app promotion upon the official launch.

Limited-Time Offers

Creating limited-time offers or promotions can create a sense of urgency and drive downloads. Users are more likely to take action if they believe they’re getting a special deal that won’t last. Limited-time offers can include discounts, premium features, or exclusive content for a specific duration, encouraging users to download and engage with your app promptly.

Remarketing Campaigns

Remarketing campaigns involve targeting users who have previously interacted with your app or website but haven’t taken a desired action, like downloading the app. By showing targeted ads to these users across various online platforms, you can re-engage them and remind them of your app’s value. Remarketing campaigns keep your app top-of-mind and encourage users to complete the download.

Interactive Demos

Interactive demos provide potential users with hands-on experience before downloading the app. These demos allow users to explore key features, navigate the interface, and understand the app’s value proposition. By offering a taste of what the app can do, interactive demos can increase user confidence and drive downloads as users are more likely to install the app after a positive trial experience.


Webinars offer a platform to showcase your app’s capabilities and educate your target audience. By hosting webinars related to your app’s niche or solving common pain points, you position your app as a valuable solution. Attendees are often interested in exploring the app further after gaining insights from the webinar, leading to increased downloads. A good way to promote your webinars are through paid ads or Linkedin events.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves partnering with affiliates who promote your app to their audience in exchange for a commission on each successful app download or sale. This tactic leverages the affiliate’s existing follower base, trust, and reach. As affiliates endorse your app, their followers are more likely to consider and download it, contributing to increased downloads.

Billboard Advertising

Billboard advertising provides broad exposure to your app. Placing billboards strategically in high-traffic areas can create brand awareness and curiosity among potential users. Effective billboard designs with clear messaging and visuals can entice viewers to visit the app store and download the app, increasing its visibility and downloads. Make sure your billboard is clean, matches the style of the app you are promoting and has a clear CTA which in this case will be to download the app.

QR Codes

QR codes simplify the app download process. Users can scan QR codes with their mobile devices, instantly directing them to the app store or app download page. This frictionless method reduces barriers to entry, making it easier for users to download your app. QR codes can be placed on marketing materials, product packaging, physical locations, on your website, and on your webinar slides to drive downloads.


Chatbots can engage users on your website or social media channels, answering questions and providing information about your app. They offer immediate responses and can guide users through the download process. Chatbots not only enhance user experience but also encourage users to take action and download the app. If you already have a chat box live on your website you can use it to spread the word of your app, it doesn’t necessarily have to answer questions regarding your app.

Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways create excitement and incentivize users to download your app. By offering prizes, exclusive content, or discounts through these promotions, you can generate buzz and encourage participation. Participants are likely to download the app to access these rewards, increasing app downloads and user engagement.

User Surveys

User surveys provide valuable insights into user preferences and pain points. By collecting feedback from your existing user base or potential users, you can tailor your app’s features and marketing strategies to better align with user expectations. This user-centric approach can lead to improved app ratings, positive reviews, and word-of-mouth recommendations, ultimately driving downloads. One way to get user feedback is by having a survey feature in your app, as this makes it more convenient for the user to complete and you will get a higher completion rate. It’s important to note not to bombard users with to many surveys as this could lead them to feel frustrated so spreading your survey requests will benefit you more.

Swag Merchandising

Offering swag merchandise related to your app can create brand loyalty and excitement among your user community. Items like T-shirts, stickers, or promotional products can serve as conversation starters and promotional tools. When users proudly display or use these items, it sparks curiosity among their peers, leading to inquiries about the app and potential downloads.

User-Generated Content

Encouraging users to create content related to your app, such as reviews, testimonials, or user-generated videos, can amplify your app’s reach. User-generated content serves as social proof, showcasing real users’ positive experiences with your app. Sharing this content on your app’s website or social media profiles can influence others to download the app based on peer recommendations.

Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences

If your app has VR capabilities or features, providing virtual reality experiences can be a powerful promotion tactic. VR experiences can give users a taste of what your app offers, creating a sense of immersion and excitement. Promote these VR experiences through social media, YouTube, or partnerships with VR content creators to attract users interested in VR technology.

Teaser Campaigns

Teaser campaigns build anticipation and curiosity around your app’s upcoming features, updates, or launches. Teasers can include cryptic messages, sneak peeks, or countdowns on your app’s website or social media profiles. The recommended time period for a teaser campaign before an app launch can vary depending on the complexity of your app and your target audience. However, a typical timeframe for a teaser campaign is about 2-4 weeks before the planned launch date. By creating a sense of intrigue, you can generate excitement and encourage users to stay engaged and await the app’s release, leading to higher downloads upon launch.

Email Signatures

Leverage your email signature as a subtle yet effective way to promote your app. Include a brief call to action and a download link to your app in your email signature. Every email you send becomes an opportunity to promote your app to clients, colleagues, or partners, increasing its visibility and driving downloads.

Offline Activities

Participating in offline activities, such as trade shows, conferences, or local events, can help you connect with your target audience in person. Offline activities allow you to demonstrate your app’s features, answer questions, and collect feedback directly from potential users. Offering special promotions or discounts at these events can incentivize attendees to download your app.


Hosting or participating in meetups related to your app’s niche or target audience provides an opportunity to engage with potential users and is an effective way for promoting your mobile app. Present your app’s value proposition, share success stories, and network with attendees. Encourage attendees to download your app by offering exclusive content or benefits available only to meetup participants.


Organizing workshops is a good tactic for mobile app promotion. Workshops related to your app’s industry or user interests positions your app as a valuable resource. Educational sessions can highlight how your app addresses specific challenges or enhances users’ lives. As attendees gain knowledge and insights, they may be more inclined to download and explore your app.

Real Examples

Word of Mouth Marketing

After the initial beta launch, they implemented a word-of-mouth marketing strategy by distributing “gold tickets.” Customers who received these tickets could share them with their friends, enabling them to bypass the waitlist and immediately access the mobile app.


Tinder adopted a strategy reminiscent of Facebook’s “college by college” approach and organized launch events with a unique entry requirement: attendees had to show the app installed on their mobile devices for admission. By initially focusing on signing up sororities on college campuses, Tinder effectively seeded its mobile app promotion. In late 2013, Tinder shifted its marketing tactics to expand into the 25–34 demographic by hosting a series of “city by city” launch gatherings and meetups.

Email Marketing

HSBC likely sent email communications to its existing customers, informing them about the mobile banking app and its features. These emails may have included direct download links or instructions on how to find the app in app stores.

Community Building

Spotify created a sense of community among users through features like collaborative playlists and shared playlists among friends. This encouraged users to stay engaged with the platform.

Reviews and Ratings

Airbnb prominently displayed user reviews and ratings for both hosts and guests. Positive reviews built trust and credibility, encouraging more downloads and bookings.


Netflix collaborated with device manufacturers, internet service providers, and telecommunications companies to pre-install the app or offer it as part of bundled packages, expanding its reach.

Loyalty Programs

British Airways successfully drove downloads of its mobile app by integrating it with the Executive Club loyalty program. Exclusive benefits such as Avios point management, personalized promotions, and convenient Avios redemption options were made available exclusively through the app, incentivizing Executive Club members to download and use it. The app also offered features like mobile check-in, real-time flight updates, and tier status visibility, enhancing the travel experience for members. Push notifications, user-friendly design, and feedback mechanisms further encouraged downloads and engagement, ultimately linking loyalty program perks to app adoption and usage.

Search Engine Marketing


Amazon likely ran paid search ads on popular search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to ensure their app appeared prominently when users searched for related keywords or phrases. This strategy helped drive traffic to their mobile app’s download page and encouraged users to install the app. By bidding on relevant keywords and optimizing their ad campaigns, Amazon was able to effectively leverage SEM to increase mobile app downloads and promote their e-commerce platform on mobile devices.

Social Media Marketing

Uber Eats ran targeted advertising campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. These ads showcased enticing food imagery and special offers to encourage users to download the app.

App Store Optimization

Pinterest strategically leveraged App Store Optimization (ASO) to boost its mobile app downloads. They crafted app store listings with eye-catching screenshots that showcased the platform’s engaging content, optimized keywords to improve search visibility, and curated engaging descriptions that highlighted Pinterest’s unique features. Additionally, the inclusion of a ‘Featured In’ section enhanced credibility, while regular updates ensured users saw the latest improvements. Pinterest’s commitment to localization, A/B testing, and the cultivation of positive user reviews further solidified its ASO strategy, ultimately driving increased app downloads and user engagement.

Video Creation (Demo Video Creation)

TikTok leveraged the power of engaging and entertaining short video clips to showcase the creativity and fun that users can experience on its platform. These videos often go viral, spreading across other social media channels and capturing the attention of millions of potential users. By allowing users to easily create and share their own videos, TikTok successfully harnessed the influence of user-generated content, enticing more people to download the app and join the growing TikTok community.

Content Marketing

Medium, a prominent blogging platform, strategically employs content marketing to promote its mobile app. The platform encourages both established and aspiring writers to publish articles and stories on its app. This content-centric approach creates a community of writers and readers, drawing users to explore the app’s offerings and discover valuable, thought-provoking content. Through consistent content marketing efforts, Medium effectively positions itself as a hub for insightful and diverse articles, ultimately driving app downloads as users seek to access and engage with this rich ecosystem of ideas and perspectives.

QR Codes

Snapchat, the multimedia messaging app, cleverly integrates QR codes into its mobile app promotion strategy. Snapchat’s Snapcodes are personalized QR codes that users can create and share with friends. These Snapcodes serve multiple purposes, including quickly adding friends, subscribing to content channels, and accessing exclusive content like augmented reality filters and lenses. The ease of scanning and using Snapcodes makes the app more engaging and interactive for users. By incorporating QR codes in this way, Snapchat not only enhances user experiences but also encourages new downloads as users strive to join the platform’s vibrant and dynamic community.

Fliplet Case Studies

  • Gowling WLG: Fliplet has helped put Gowling WLG at the forefront of digital innovation, by allowing them to transition quickly from an idea to a fully-functioning app in record time, from event apps to learning apps.
  • Ward and Smith: Encountering difficulties with their self-built mobile app’s upkeep, Ward and Smith leveraged Fliplet for easier, quicker app creation, relieving the stress and pressure on the IT team.
  • Saul Ewing: An innovation challenge app that has collected innovative staff ideas, helped build a community, driven innovation and improved collaboration.
  • SMBP: Discover how technology has transformed and streamlined operations at SMBP

How to Measure Your Mobile App Promotion Success

The success of mobile app promotion is reliant on more than just the number of downloads. To gauge the effectiveness of your efforts and refine your strategy, it’s crucial to delve into the analytics and key performance indicators (KPIs).

In this section, we’ll explore the essential metrics and insights you should track to ensure your mobile app promotion endeavors are on the right track. By focusing on these metrics, you can make informed decisions, optimize your approach, and ultimately drive the growth and success of your mobile app.

Here are some standard KPIs you should track:

  • Downloads: The foundational metric that measures how many users have installed your app. It provides an initial indication of your app’s appeal.
  • User Acquisition Cost (CAC): Understanding how much it costs to acquire each user is essential for budgeting and evaluating the efficiency of your promotion channels.
  • Retention Rate: This metric reveals how many users continue to engage with your app over time. A high retention rate signifies a healthy user base.
  • Conversion Rate: Analyzing how many users complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up, sheds light on the effectiveness of your app’s design and messaging.

As well as the ones we have just mentioned you need to ensure your mobile app is meeting the needs of your users. Some keep KPIs to track to ensure your mobile app is performing as you expect are:

  • Active devices: Total number of devices that has the app installed and opened at least once during the selected time range
  • New devices: Total number of new devices that installed the app and opened it at least once during the selected time range
  • Sessions: Number of times the app was opened. A session usually lasts for about 30 minutes
  • Screen views: Total number of screens that were viewed
  • Interactions: Number of actions by users in the app. An action means for example clicking on a link or menu item
  • Most active users: Lists your most active users. This requires a login on the app to be tracked
  • Actions per user: List the total number of actions per user. This requires a login on the app to be tracked
  • Most popular screens: List of the most popular screens across user’s sessions. Can be filtered by session, screen views, or Interactions
  • Interactions per screen: Lists all actions per screen. Useful to see what actions are taken on what screens. E.g what is the most popular article in a newsfeed?

The no-code platform Fliplet enables you to track these app analytics. Take a look at how easy it is:

Promote your App using AI

In today’s fiercely competitive app landscape, promoting your mobile application is not just a choice; it’s a necessity for success. With millions of apps competing for attention across various platforms, standing out can be a difficult task. Effective app marketing employs a strategic blend of targeted advertising, social media promotion, app store optimization, and more to boost visibility and attract users. AI can be a good and easy tool to help you promote your mobile app quickly, take a look at How AI Will Disrupt App Development.

Fliplet’s App Marketing Promo Generator simplifies this complex task, making it accessible to everyone. With just a few simple steps, you can create captivating promotional content for your app within minutes.

Here’s how it works:

  • Easy Onboarding: Our user-friendly platform guides you through the onboarding process, ensuring you’re acquainted with all the tools and features.
  • Free Sign-Up: No hidden fees or commitments! Sign up for a free Fliplet account and gain instant access to our cutting-edge AI tool.
  • App Details Input: Share essential information about your app, such as its name, description, target audience, and any specific preferences or requirements you might have.
  • Instant Promo: Click “Submit,” and within minutes, you’ll receive a customized promo for your app. This promo is tailored to your app’s unique features and audience, ensuring maximum impact and engagement.

With Fliplet’s App Marketing Promo Generator, promoting your app is now not only easier but also incredibly effective. Don’t let your app get lost in the crowd – let our AI-powered tool help it stand out from the crowd.

Key Takeaways

To wrap up our exploration of mobile app promotion, a key thing to remember is diversity. Instead of sticking to a single tactic, the key to success lies in utalizing a variety of strategies.

Don’t limit yourself to just one approach; explore multiple avenues to reach your audience effectively. Mobile app promotion is paramount for app success due to several critical factors. In an oversaturated app market, visibility is essential; without promotion, your app may remain hidden, making it hard for potential users to discover. Effective promotion strategies lead to user acquisition, adopting growth and competition, as rivals are likely investing in promotion too. 

Influencer partnerships and social media advertising can significantly expand your app’s reach and credibility. Encourage user involvement with referral programs, incentives, and user-generated content.

Branch out into new territories like podcast sponsorships and social media advertising to connect with wider audiences. Always keep a clear understanding of your target audience, define your audience precisely, test your tactics, and leverage PR and search engine marketing to boost visibility.

In the world of mobile app promotion, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. However, diversity, creativity, and a deep understanding of your audience are your greatest assets. Remember, it’s not just about acquiring downloads; it’s about building lasting relationships with users for sustained success.

Niamh Conneely

Niamh Conneely is the Content Writer and Marketing Executive at Fliplet – an app building platform that enables anyone to easily create engaging and interactive mobile and web apps.

Niamh has experience in content creation and writing and has achieved two level 6 awards for The Chartered Institute of Marketing. She has developed skills to help organizations deal with the challenges of a fast-moving marketplace. Connect with Niamh on Linkedin.


What is mobile app promotion and why is it important?

Mobile app promotion refers to the strategies and efforts put forth to increase the visibility and downloads of a mobile application. It’s crucial because, with millions of apps available in app stores, ensuring that your app stands out and reaches your target audience can determine its success. Effective promotion helps in attracting new users, retaining existing ones, and ultimately driving revenue.

Which platforms are most effective for mobile app promotion?

There are several platforms effective for mobile app promotion, depending on your target audience and app nature. Common platforms include social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as they allow for targeted advertising. Google Ads and App Store Optimization (ASO) are also essential for reaching users actively searching for apps. Collaborating with influencers, bloggers, or utilizing platforms like YouTube can further amplify your app’s visibility.

How do I measure the success of my mobile app promotion efforts?

Measuring the success of mobile app promotion can be done using various metrics, depending on your goals. Common metrics include the number of downloads, user retention rate, user reviews and ratings, and in-app engagement. Tools like Google Analytics for Mobile and platforms like App Annie or Sensor Tower can provide insights into these metrics. Additionally, the Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) can help assess the effectiveness of paid promotional campaigns.


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